IETA - About as - IETA
The Institute of Theoretical and Applied Statistics has the objective of encouraging and innovating research and social interaction in students and teachers knowing that statistics constitutes a transversal scientific science of use and application to all sciences of human knowledge.
On Tuesday, October 1, 1985, in the management of the rector Lic. Pablo Ramos Sanchez, the dean Lic. Luís Zapata Escobar and the head of career, Lic. Raúl Marquiegui Navarro, created the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Statistics (IETA) with the objective of encouraging and innovating research and social interaction in students and teachers knowing that statistics constitutes a transversal scientific science of use and application to all sciences of human knowledge. That same year, the procedures for the recognition of the institute by the university academic commission (CAU) of UMSA began, however, the IETA statutes and regulations were only presented in 1993 for approval and recognition before the Honorable University Council, but it is on July 7, 1994 when HCU Resolution No. 082/94 is promulgated, through which the creation of IETA is recognized and its internal operating regulations are approved.

M. Sc. Raúl Marquiegui Navarro and M. Sc. Luis Zapata Escobar
The director of the institute is elected by the faculty and based on university regulations every three years and its main activity is to promote research in statistics in favor of the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés and society. Research activities and social interaction are integrated into the IETA.
The projects developed by the IETA are under its own resources framed in the analysis of statistics, the primary source of those investigations that require the qualitative and quantitative analysis of statistical information for decision-making in plans, projects, social and economic development programs.
The professors and students of the career participate as researchers within the determined lines of research, which also carry out their own investigations. Currently the IETA offices are located on the first floor of the FCPN block in the Cota Cota area.